Big Brother featured

TS4 Big Brother, Episode 2: Nomination and PoV Competition #1

Wednesday, June 03, 2015MarkArch

Previously on big brother: Eight house guest enter the house. Everyone getting to know each other. Someone found someone attracted, someone else found enemy. They're expecting to play big brother games but what they didn't know is that the simmers around the world is voting for their favorite house guests. The one who win will receive super vote where he/she will gain one more vote and can vote even if they're either nominated or being HoH.

Knowing this is crucial, two of them start forming alliance. Farhan and Brady forming a secret alliance called Brusclesprout. Kellan trying to attract the female house guests to work in their favor. But this might not turn great for him since all the guys are starting to think he's playing flirtation game.
At the head of household competition, Kellan fall first and following him is his possible showmance Andrea.
Kellan: "People will say that I throw the competition but in fact I just suck so bad"

Andrea and Kellan along with the next two house guests who fall, Zachery and Rebeca were now the first Have Nots of the season. They will eat slop (quick meal) and sleep in the have nots room. The 3rd place and 4th place gain reward and punishment. Michaela get 1 week slop pas and Farhan have to use embarrassing clown suit
Zachery did not take the lose very well.

Zachery: "Why did I fall? It's not that hard!"
Zachery is a single parents by accident. He was working at science lab and get abducted by aliens, he quit his job after that but something terrifying happening because he doesn't know that he's pregnant. Once his son is born even though he's an alien, he dedicated his live for his son.

Rebeca is making fun of Kellan for being the first one out. She drank too much knowing that she's going to be a have not starting tomorrow.
Rebeca: I can't believe I used to think I like him, I mean first one to fall is too embarrasing.

Zachery: Oh yeah, name's Zachery! You're Brady right?
Brady: Oh yeah!
Zachery need to ensure his safety from this week  nomination.
Zachery: "So! I’m good right?"
Brady: "I haven’t decided yet, I don’t think we’ve introduced each other yet "
Zachery: "Oh yeah, name’s Zachery! You’re Brady right?"
Brady: "Oh yeah!"

Brady: "You need to cover more ground, I can see myself working with Zachery in the future, who knows?
Kellan: So do you get letter or anything?
Brady: I would love to get one for my mom, there's not even photo here!
The HoH room is finally open but Brady can't find any letter.

Kellan: "So do you get letter or anything?"
Brady: "I would love to get one from my mom, there’s not even photo here! This is a great HoH room by the way, too bad the TV doesn't work!"

All the girls are finally living the room!
Kellan: "So you’re nominating girls right?"
Brady: "Maybe! I still haven’t decided yet"
Zachery: "We all could work together, if it was me I would pick Eliana and Michaela, since you saw how long they’ve lasted. Or nominate Rebecca and Andrea to be save!"
Kellan: "Yeah, we need to stick together man!"
Brady: "I might trust Zach but there's no way I'm trusting Kellan, he's always with the girls and he's definitely a threat.
Brady: Oh thank plumbob they're gone! If they think they can influence me to nominate the girls, they're wrong!
Farhan: Wait you're nominating them?
Brady: I don't know what do you think?
Brady: "Oh thank plumbob they’re gone! If they think they can influence me to nominate the girls, they’re wrong!"
Farhan: "Wait you’re nominating them?"
Brady: "I don’t know what do you think? "
Farhan: "I don’t know man, but I can’t trust Zach, he’s so sneaky."
Brady: "Right? But I don’t think he’s a threat though! It would be awesome if we could get Kellan out. He’s definitely throwing that last comp."
06-01-15_8-56 PM-3
Brady:  "I think I'm nominating Andrea and Kellan the reason could be because they're the first one to fall!"
Farhan: "Well no matter what you do, I'll support you 100%! Just remember the twist, there are six votes instead of five one of us will vote twice"
Brady: "Don't worry, either way we're golden, as long as none of them win veto"
Farhan: "Do what's best for you! I'm going to get some tea!"
Farhan "I'm just going to let him know that I'm at his side, I don't really have any problem with anyone leaving because whoever it is, I won't have any blood on my hand."
Brady: "One of my duty as head of household is to nominate two people for eviction. As the first head of household it's both one of the easiest thing and also the hardest thing since you don't really know anyone yet so I can either just pick anybody that's a threat to my game at risk of them winning PoV and bite me in the back, or pick the weakest person so they won't came as hard.

Nominating Zach might be a risk, but he's both physical and social threat and I won't be surprised if he'd later go after me. Rebeca and Andrea would be the easiest, since I don't think they would do well in the competition and none of them have spoken to me about the nomination yet. I also have to consider that one of us will have extra votes"

Kellan: "I'm confident that he's not going to nominate me, It should be the girls"
Eliana: "I wouldn't be surprised if I get nominated, we're not that close and I think he's on to me being a rocket scientist.
Zachery: "I think me and him are pretty close, I won't worry too much though! Why would I?"
Brady: "Guys it's time for nomination ceremony"
My first nominee is ....

 Brady: I nominate you Andrea because you're the one of the first one to fall in the head of household challenge
Brady: And for that reason, I have to nominate you too, Kellan.
 Brady: And the nomination ceremony is adjourned!
Kellan: What the plum just happen, what is he thinking, he should nominate the girls. I mean there's no way he's working with the girls. That's just so insane for me! I guess I have to win the veto!
Eliana: Guess who is not nominated? Meee! Man he's definitely bad at this game, he should've nominated me because you know he'll be nominated if he's the HoH!
Andrea: "It's fair play, I shouldn've been out that fast on the HoH challenge, I also think I'm fine since it's Kellan is a bigger target than me. I'm also fine because I'm going to try win the veto."

Farhan is called to the diary room! 
Big brother: "Farhan, please come to the diary room!"

Back with clown costume
Farhan: "Who want to see my clown costume? No one? Okay Then!"

Andrea: One of us must win,
Andrea: "One of us must win"
Kellan: "Who do you think will be the replacement?"
Andrea: "I don’t know, I just want us both to stay you know!"
Kellan: "You’re definitely my best friend in the house!"

Eliana: "Hello houseguest, this is mermaid Ariel, today I'm going to host the Power of Veto competition. The winner of this competition will be able to Veto one of the nomination or keep the nomination the same. If the Veto is used The Head of Household will be forced to name a replacement nominee!

"The head of household and the two nominee will compete in this task Each will pick randomly from the bag containing 5 remaining house guest and one houseguest choice. One of the three pick will be randomly selected as a host and will not be playing the Power of Veto. Brady the head of household randomly pick me, Andrea randomly pick Michaela, and Kellan randomly pick Rebeca. I was randomly pick as the host and I can no longer compete in this veto challenge.

"This veto competition is called Swimming Endurance (I'm a horrible at naming game) In this veto competition, houseguest will be swimming in the hot boiled water, the last person out will Win the Power of Veto."

Watch the video to know who won! FYI: The competition start 3pm and end in around 1pm. And I think someone almost die in this PoV competition, good thing I use death toggle cheat.

Will the winner use the veto to save one of the nominee? And who will receive the Super Vote? Find out next! But first you should give me your feed back for who would do you think would be the replacement nominee and who is your favorite house guest in the poll below!

Also Watch Live Feed to know more about the House Guest!
Day 2. Monday, Week 1
Day 3. Tuesday, Week 1
Day 4. Wednesday, Week 1

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