Big Brother
TS4 Big Brother, Episode 4: Have/Have Not Competition and Nomination
Wednesday, June 10, 2015MarkArchEliana saw the current nominee Kellan and the reigning head of household, Brady in the kitchen. Afraid of a new showmance brewing, she tried to spread rumors through Michaela about this new showmance in hope of saving Michaela and getting Kellan out of the game. Michaela convinced Andrea, Rebecca, and Brady's alliance member Farhan warning that Kellan is not to be trusted. The plan failed as Rebecca and Andrea isn't convince enough to vote Kellan out and using Rebecca's super votes, Michaela is out of the house and went to jury house!
At the head of household competition Rebecca and Kellan fight for the final spot but Rebecca came out as the second head of household of the season. Who will become the have not? And who will Rebecca nominate for eviction. Find out on big brother!
Farhan: "So, I screwed up, yeah, I should've vote to evict Michaela instead of Kellan! Now I'm going to be exposed. This is why Kellan is so dangerous, I mean man, he doesn't care if it's guys or girls, as long as he got votes. Maybe my ass is the only one he hasn't kissed yet"
Farhan: “I can’t believe Michaela just left, this is getting real now!”
Kellan: "Yeah, I know!"
Rebecca: "I just won the head of household competition! Thanks for my darling Zach's good blocking on Kellan I'm just going to see what's everybody's going to tell me, but I have a huge plan! First i need to know who voted Kellan out!"
Rebecca: “So, who’s the two other votes?"
Brady: “I think it’s both Eliana, I think she had supervote!”
Brady: "I knew it was Farhan, he told me before head of household competition about Michaela telling rumor and I think it would be better for me if he actually leave the house since it's going to be weird around him after that kiss yesterday!"
Kellan: "It's been really weird around since, you know, me and Brady happening! I don't need his votes anymore, maybe i don't know, I have no idea where Rebecca's head at? I need to keep him close in case she nominate me"
Kellan: “So we’re okay right?”
Brady: "No worries, it's just the house that's making things really boring!"
Kellan: “Well let’s just be friends okay?”
Brady: "He's such a sweetie, he's going to crawl back to me anytime soon! Haha, I'm just kidding, he's a nice guy BTW"
Rebecca: "So, for now, I only have one allies in the game, Zachery, but that number is really low if you think about it! So I have a plan to bring another couple into the mix! But I'm going to make Zach do all the talk!"
Zachery: “Well, she told me that she knew that you and Kellan is a couple, so we hope you and him are willing to be in an alliance with me and Rebecca!"
Rebecca: “It would be called a couple alliance, we’re already a target why not make an alliance so we can at least lessen the threat. We’ll always have the number! I’ll nominate Farhan and Eliana, I know both of them are voting Michaela to stay. We’ll see who’s the bigger target, and vote them off”
Brady: "This is a great deal, but still, Farhan is still my ally so I need to keep him too! But I think I can convince that Eliana is a big player, maybe by doing that I could have both side in my hand! I need to be careful though, I don't want to make a choice for now!"
Farhan: "So all the guys have been talking to Rebecca and I don't think she even called me yet, I'm a little bit worried, so I brought them to the toilet to talk!
Farhan: “So what did she say?”
Zachery: “I think she’s going to nominate both you and Eliana, But we’re for sure going to keep you, Eliana is much more of a threat!”
Zachery: "Don't worry, she is totally okay with me telling him that he's nominated. We just need to know where his head at and also make him paranoid a little bit. His true color is definitely showing right now!"
Farhan: "Why is she going to nominate me? I never did anything wrong with her!"
Zachery: "She thought you went against the house by voting Kellan out"
Kellan: “You didn’t right?!”
Farhan: "No I didn't! Why would I do that?"
Farhan: “It could be Andrea they’re both nurse, or maybe Eliana had the super vote! What if the super vote goes to Michaela, she’ll definitely use it to save herself!” || Kellan: “Don’t worry I believe you guys”
Zachery: "Let me see what I can do with Rebecca, even if she didn't I'm 100% sure you're save!"
Farhan: “Kellan, I swear it’s not me!”
Kellan: “Don’t worry! I believe you!”
Brady: "I don't actually know if I could trust him or not."
Eliana and Brady is upstairs talking
Eliana: "She's nominating isn't she?"
Brady: "I think so"
Eliana: “Well, I won’t be worried until tomorrow nomination, I think I’m not her target”
Eliana: "I'm 100% percent sure she's targeting me, but I won't worry too much until I saw my inverted portraits on the wall!"
It's time for the have nots competition, in this competition, house guests have been randomly divided into three with each two member will fight to be a have. House guests will take turn fighting in the chess board, house guests who lose will be a have not for a week!
Zachery: Guess who's going to sleep in the HoH room with my beautiful reigning HoH!
Kellan: "If I lose more weight, I might as well lose my job too!"
Rebecca is getting a mic stand for her HoH room, everyone is coming upstairs for her amazing jokes! If you want to see her sims jokes check the Day 9 Live Feed!
Rebecca: "One of my duty as head of household is to nominate two people for eviction. I'm doing this nomination purely for strategic moves. People think I'm crazy, which they are not wrong because I'm crazy enough to take out the big players.
"I'm very sure that Farhan and Eliana is responsible for the two votes to evict Kellan. The fact that they were trying to vote to evict one of the showmance might be very dangerous for my game because I'm definitely in one with Zach! But I'm open to any possible scenario, especially if Kellan or Brady did not cooperate"
Eliana: "I know I'm going to be nominated, I think she's taking the easy route!"
Farhan: "If she's going to nominate me because of going against the house well you know what? The house never had an agreement so shut the front door, I'm coming for you!"
Kellan: "Zach and Her are supposed to be in alliance called "couple" alliance with Brady and Me, but I know we're not a couple, but I'll do anything to stay in this game even pretending to be a couple"
Rebecca: "So my nomination is"
Rebecca: "Eliana and Farhan! Farhan, I nominate you because you I know you lied about not voting Kellan out and I think you're a really strong player and a threat to everyone's game, I nominate you Eliana even though you admit votiing Kellan out, but I need to pick someone and you're the obvious choice, and the nomination ceremony is completed!
Eliana: "At least I'm not her target? Well, I'm still on the block though, I should try to win the veto!"
Brady: "I don't actually trust Rebecca so much, and those alliance might only be her plan to backdoor someone stronger like me but if I won the veto I'm definitely saving Farhan out of the block!
Who will win the power of Veto? and will it be used to save one of the nominee? Find out next on big brother! But before you go! Vote in the prediction poll below to know what other's are thinking!
And don't forget to watch 24 hour live feed! Here's the live feed before this episode!
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